Sep.28 – Et Cetera en bicicleta
Por CDCstaff • Sep 28th, 2009 • Categoria: CDCradio, et ceteraHoy en etcetera… nos vamos en bicicleta.

BMX Bandits
Listado de Canciones:
1. The Bicycles “B-b-bicycles”
2. Shonen Knife “Cycling is Fun”
3. They Might Be Giants “Dirt Bike”
4. La Buena Vida “En bicicleta”
5. Peter and The Wolf “The Bike of Jonas”
6. Kimya Dawson “My Bike”
7. The LK “Tandem Bikes”
8. Blast Off Country Style “All She Wants to do is Ride Her Bike”
9. Caledonia “Scott’s House”
10. BMX Bandits “Top Shop Girl”
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